Monday, June 8, 2015

The MANecke

Mennecke's Life Lessons (Learned through observation considering any spoken lessons are copyrighted Game of Thrones quotes. )
-Forget a sanguine approach to difficult situations, happiness is for those lacking the maudlin dichotomy of a bi-polar emo...I mean brooding intellectual.....
So act as the prescient fortune-teller and when the truth of life throws its many imbroglios your way, take the humility with a supposedly insouciant air while you not-so-secretly harbor those bitter feelings behind the epitome of stoicism. No one can blame your lack of discretion though, you're just owning up to the OG life as a hardcore rockstar.
-The apotheosis of rockertude of course being a "rebellious" piercing (Mennecke was born in a mid-life crisis)
-It's not a fete until somebody's reppin' Waukegan style (So at your next party be a dawg like Mennecke)
-When people don't empathize to your perspective, proselytize the opposition out of them until they too think that the river is indeed a symbolic womb of fertility rather than merely a geographical fact.
While Mennecke's life is a lesson to the casual observer on how to rock both pensively and stylishly, one aspect of Mennecke's existence not to be mimicked is his jejune security in the total extinction of hobbits, which are, much to his naive denial, still existing in the forests of Indonesia.
Follow these lessons, and if you so choose the displaced skepticism of the melodramatic brooder paradigm you'll be one step closer to understanding why those curtains are in fact blue; because it goes beyond a simple-minded description.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite lines: Mennecke was born in a mid-life crisis.
    - the womb
    - the hobbits
    - the blue curtains
    - the Maggie-coined "rockertude"

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
